association of refugees with disability

2023 ARD Annual General Meeting

In a remarkable annual general meeting, on Thursday 7 December 2023 we spotlighted inspiring stories of resilience and triumph brought within refugees with disabilities in Uganda.

The Executive Director, Muombamungu James took centre stage, confidently unravelling the annual report in an attentional presentation that outlined the organization’s milestones and future endeavours.

With a confident tone, the director began: “This report presents our collective efforts and achievements over the past year a testament to the dedication of our team and the impact we’ve made.”

As charts and graphs illustrated progress, the director elaborated on strategic initiatives, included  data collection done that aimed to understand and leverage the wellbeing of Refugees with disabilities in six refugee settlements including urban refugees with disabilities in Uganda using a case study of the ARD area of operations. Secondly It was the disability awareness that was done early this year in two selected refugee settlements ; kiryandongo and kyaka II in advocacy  project funded by Disability Right funds “DRF”. Our commitment to innovation and adaptability has been instrumental in overcoming challenges.”

Addressing accomplishments, the director shared another  project funded by OXFAM that over crossed this year which aimed at empowering the Urban Refugees With Disabilities through skills mechanisms that would enable them be self-reliants “Together, we’ve not only met but exceeded our goals, proving that with vision and determination, everything is possible.” E.D Muombamungu James said.

The annual report presentation was not just a review of statistics; it was a narrative of resilience, strategic foresight, and the unwavering commitment of a dedicated team under visionary leadership.

“ARD has taught us as RLON the importance of inclusivity in our daily activities “said Mr. Kuol the Advocacy officer at Refugee Led-Organizations Network (RLON) and he emphasized the importance of having ARD championing the disability Advocacy reflecting of the contribution of ARD in 2023 world refugee day celebration.

ARD former Consultant, a beacon of strength and friend to ARD Mr. Jackson Atria emphasized that, “Our challenges don’t define us; our victories do.” He has unwearied helped ARD to achieve a milestone triumphed for a period of four(4)years, therefore with all his contributions to ARD we were thrilled to recognize his contribution on ARD in a special way. We were pleased to officially welcome two esteemed individuals from France (Jonas Bull and Sacha Feierabend) as honorary members of our Organization upon their request. Their dedication to advancing the rights of refugees with disabilities aligned with our organization’s vision and mission, and hopefully their presence in ARD will play a pivotal role in shaping a more inclusive future.

The Annual General Meeting showcased not only the challenges faced but also the triumphs achieved, leaving a lasting impact on all those privileged to witness these empowering actions and narrative.

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