association of refugees with disability


  • Membership of the organization shall be open to associations of different nationalities within the urban areas and associations from the settlements, and any other interested individuals and organizations that are working towards promotion and protection of rights of people with disabilities.
  • Membership of the Association shall be acquired in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.


 For the purposes of this Constitution, there are three (3) main categories of   members:

  • Ordinary members:  Are associations of refugees with disabilities and parents/caregivers of children with disabilities from urban and settlements areas. These members will have voting rights.
  •  Associate members: Are individuals or institutions that sharein the objectives of the organization.  Associated members shall be vetted and admitted by the General assembly.
  • Honorary members: Are individuals who have made outstanding contribution or to the cause of persons with disabilities generally. They will also be vetted and admitted by the General assembly.


Membership to the various categories shall be accorded to an individual or organization provided that such a person or institution is:

  • A refugee with disabilities living in Uganda or any other country where ARD is operating;
  • Someone with an asylum seeker card and in the process of attaining refugee status;
  • Any person or organization that has interest in the objectives of the organization;
  • Any organization , society or NGO working for the good of people with disabilities
  • Must be registered with the Association
  • Is a law abiding citizen