association of refugees with disability



  • Providing peer to peer support for Refugees with Disabilities (RWDs) to facilitate their recovery process from mental health problem and other psychosocial issues they may be experiencing.
  • Advocating and lobbying for the implementation of the UNCRPD to ensure that relevant stakeholders are more responsive and inclusive on the rights of persons with disabilities.
  • Formation of RWDs groups at grassroots levels to undertake VSLA (village saving and loan association) and other income generating activities for livelihood support of RWDs.
  • Advocating for inclusion of persons with disabilities in service delivery and government programs – such as education, health or justice – and in government budget planning and implementation at the local level.
  • Meetings of ARD organs(semester General meeting and monthly planning meetings of the Executive Committee members, weekly secretariat meeting);
  • Community awareness meeting on issues relating Refugees with disabilities.
  • Exchange learning visits to share experiences and disability related information
  • Membership mobilization to increase membership and reach out to more RWDs
  • Advocacy meetings with targeted stakeholders and supports to advance the rights of RWDs.
  • Participation in the commemoration of International days (World Refugee day, International Day for Persons with disabilities, Internal Day of the Convention on the rights of a child, International Day of the African Child).