association of refugees with disability

about us

ARD is a fully registered Regional NGO which started as a support group in Kampala (2010), after detecting that PWDs couldn’t advocate for themselves without being a group. With the support from InterAid, UNHCR, and RLP, the group of Refugees with disabilities had been formed. They reached a time when they wanted to create a strong association that will be known all over Uganda.

In 2015, the group started to elaborate a constitution that would provide a legal basis and guide their operations with assistance from RLP. By 2017, the organisation had moved from being a support group to an Association of Refugees with disability (ARD) and in May 2023 ARD moved to a fully registered Regional NGO.


some of objectives

31 Aug 2024
Empowering Refugees with Disabilities: Join Us in Documenting Our Journey!
The Association of Refugees with Disability (ARD) is celebrating a significant milestone—our journey! To mark this achievement, we are hiring a consultant to help document our organizationa...
10 Jul 2024
Enhancing Access to Education for Refugees with Disabilities: Findings from Nakivale and Rwamwanja Settlements
Summary of Accessibility Audit Report The Association of Refugees with Disabilities (ARD) conducted an accessibility audit in Nakivale and Rwamwanja refugee settlements in early 2024. Th...
23 Jun 2024
Commemorating World Refugee Day: A Colorful Gala of Unity and Inclusion under the theme “SCORING FOR SOLIDARITY”
Kampala, Uganda– On June 21st, 2024, the Association of Refugees with Disability (ARD) joined Refugee-Led Organizations Network (RELON) and other Refugee-led organizations to commemorate Wo...

For more information